Sunday, November 16, 2008

Seven Days Without Spending (#3)

I read this article on called 'The Agony of Seven Days Without Spending' by Steve Almond. This article is the story of one week where he does not spend any money at all. Steve is a guy who buys all clothes second hand, eats all of the leftovers no matter how gross and takes all of the hotel soap. He hates to spend money and people notice. During this week he changed his ideas about spending money. At the beginning he thinks it is kind of fun having people pay for him. By the middle of the week his feelings about the experiment, he is beginning to itch to spend money. His friends want to go out to eat but he has to stay at home and eat leftovers and a little homeless kid came to ask for money and he had to say no. By the end of the week all he wanted to do was be able to pay for something. The last day was his wives birthday and he couldn't pay for dinner. This experiment taught him that every one has to spend money and although it can't fix everything it does feel good to even make the smallest purchase. I thought this article was very interesting and i know that i could never go a whole week without buying anything.
Link to the Article:

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