Tuesday, September 9, 2008

adjective paragraph

I am a very caring person. I love to volunteer and working with others to solve their problem. One piece of evidence that displays my caring nature is that I have a letter in community service. To receive this letter you have to log 120 hours of community service and do a project showing the things you did during you hours, to most this may not sound like much fun, but for me it is one of my passions. I got the bulk of my community service hours from being a camp counselor. As the week went on I became like my campers second mom. Almost constant caring was demanded of me. That may sound hard but most of the time it came naturally. My willingness to care for others is one of the things about myself I take pride in.


SARAH said...

Hey lauren! I really like your url haha. It's creative

Anonymous said...

your page is very pretty. ;]

Anonymous said...

your profile is great!


shelby said...

your profile is cute! :]

Kiley said...

You have a really good paragraph and i really like your page!

hope said...

nice url lol

its true your super caring and everyone around you notices it too

ur awesome

jennyp said...

I like your profile it is bright and happy