Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Link Between Creativity and Mood Disorders

It is said in a article on CNN.com that there may be a connection between creativity and mood disorders. Although it says that it is a loose link that it is somehow related. They said that having a mood disorder doesn't make you creative and being creative doesn't give you a mood disorder but that many who are one end up being the other.Examples used in the article was a writer who recently committed suicide who was bipolar and suffered from depression for 20 years. They found in his writing that he was obsessive and thought things over and over again, which made him an amazing writer but eventually lead to his death. They also did a study comparing students with degrees in the arts, people who are bipolar and people who aren't. The results showed that the bipolar group scored higher on the creativity tests as well as the art students and the regular control group scored average. This article clearly states that this is a connection but it is very loose and still needs further research.
link to CNN article http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/10/07/creativity.depression/index.html

1 comment:

madie said...

WOW! very colorful and good. I think that your blog is beautiful