Sunday, February 15, 2009


I read an article from the New york times called "How India Reconciles Hindu Values and Biotech" by Pankaj Mishra. The article is about the benefit on India that the end of stem cell research in the U.S. has caused. The catholic religion just like Hindu both believe that life starts in the womb and doing anything to the cell after it begins to form no matter how early is killing a person. This belief is shown in the Hindu religion by a story about a baby in his mothers stomach heard his father describing a military plan and after the boy was born and grown up he used the military strategy himself. Eventhough it is frowned upon in the U.S. without them as competition this allows India to step ahead in that area of science. They are cloning endangered animals native to India, this would be considered a good thing except by the time they have animals coming out of the lad the Indian countryside may not be fit for animals anymore and they will have no place to put them. This was an interesting article because i always though hinduism was so different from my religion but they showed some big similarities with a life being formed even at the earliest state.
Link to article:
Mishra,Pankaj. "How India Reconciles Hindu Values and Biotech." Agust 21 2005. February 15 2009.

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