Monday, November 24, 2008

Should Obese Fliers get a Free Extra Seat? (#5)

The question of this article was should obese fliers get an extra seat on airplanes because of their size? recently in Canada a law has been passed that requires all public airlines to allow all obese passengers to have and extra seat for no extra cost. There is a lot of controversy on this issue some people think it is discrimination against obese passengers to make them pay for an extra seat and some people think that it is unfair. There is also another side, people who think that obese passengers are not entitled to an extra seat but other passengers are entitled to a seat with out the overflow of an obese person next to them. I don't agree with any side i'm in the middle. I understand that it is sort of discrimination to make seats on air planes a certain size but i also understand that giving an extra seat for free is taking away a seat that another customer could buy. I found this article at it is by Jack Cafferty.
link to

1 comment:

abbydauth said...

you have good topics for your blogs!