Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wal-Mart death preventable, union says. (#6)

Today i read an article on about a tragic death of a Wal-Mart employee on black Friday. The death of Jdimytai Damour, a 34 year old, part time Wal-Mart employee occurred early the morning of the 28th. The security tapes show that crowds started to gather outside the store the night before and by 5 A.M. Friday morning there were about 2,000 people waiting. When it was time to open Damour struggled to open the door and eventually the customers pushed opened the door and trampled him. As customers came pouring in other workers tried to help him and when the whole crowd was in they attempted to give him first aid but it was too late. The retail workers union has always thought Wal-Mart has had bad health care and minimum wage for their employees, after this incident the union calls Wal-Mart 'blatantly irresponsible'. They say that if employee safety was a top priority this could have been prevented.
link to article:

1 comment:

abbydauth said...

very sad :_( people are too materialistic. i hope walmart gets sued.