Sunday, November 9, 2008

Why Family Meals Matter

I recently read this article on it was called "Why family meals matter" by Karen Ansel. It discusses the importance of family meals and the long term effects of eating regularly with your family at home. The article talks about how when surveyed and studied children and parents who eat most of their meals at home with family were healthier. It explained that when you eat a solid dinner at home with family you are more likely to eat more fruits and vegetables and less trans fat. Not only did they talk about how it can physically benefit you it can also improve your mental health and family relationships. Researchers had found that teens who eat dinner with their family feel more comfortable taking with their parents about issues. Also they found that the teens who eat dinner with their family have better grades, are less likely to do reugs or drink and have higher self esteem. The main idea of the article was to eat dinner with your family because in the long run it will benefit everyone.
Link to article:

1 comment:

SARAH said...

This is very interesting! I really like your blog